Julie Brand Asbornsen: Schools deserve better

Lum3n/via Pexels

Northampton Public Schools Superintendent Portia Bonner speaks during a City Council public hearing on the school budget.

Northampton Public Schools Superintendent Portia Bonner speaks during a City Council public hearing on the school budget. STAFF FILE PHOTO

Published: 11-04-2024 4:16 PM

I have been following with great interest Northampton Superintendent of Schools Portia Bonner’s “road show” of community meetings where she touts the benefits of an austerity school budget to stakeholders.

The feedback I have heard from attendees is head-shaking disappointment and dejection at the sentiments expressed by our superintendent, such as the teachers and paraprofessionals are wonderful and we love them, but they need to learn to do more with less and that she will not advocate for restoring staff and reducing class sizes. Not exactly inspiring stuff.

As a 25-plus year resident of Northampton, I have watched as what once may have kindly been described as “benign neglect” of our city’s schools has progressed over the years and turned into something sour, dispassionate, and even aggressive. When the newly hired superintendent refuses to advocate for the schools, we know our community is really in trouble. Perhaps it’s time to put aside the “it’s Northampton, we’re great people, so everything’s fine!” attitude that has allowed so many of our elected officials to neglect one or our city’s fundamental services for so long.

When our next local election rolls around, I will be voting for candidates who share my priorities (funding essential city services, such as the schools and the Fire Department, first). I will also vote for candidates who will choose a superintendent based on their skills, passion, and advocacy, not on their willingness to toe the party line. We can do better, Northampton.

Julie Brand Asbornsen
