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Keyword search: Northern Tier Passenger Rail

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

MassDOT’s final report assesses ridership, costs of Northern Tier Passenger Rail
12-07-2024 5:26 PM


Running consistent passenger rail service for 140 miles through northern Massachusetts communities to connect North Adams and Boston could attract hundreds of riders per day, but would also require hundreds of millions of dollars in up-front capital...

One hundred entities sign letters of support for Northern Tier Rail
11-19-2024 1:09 PM


GREENFIELD — With a fist raised in the air, state Sen. Jo Comerford and dozens of advocates and business leaders, as well as state and local officials, rallied in support of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Monday morning at the John W. Olver Transit...

Officials talk funding for, hear feedback on Northern Tier Passenger Rail
04-01-2024 1:58 PM


As the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s study of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail project continues, officials and consultants recently collected more feedback and laid out some of its potential funding streams in the final public meeting...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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