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Displaying articles 41 to 56 out of 56 total.

Speaking of Nature: No power, no problem: The late-March storm that set a new record
04-02-2024 12:17 PM


As seems to be the case more and more often, March went out with a bang. And, in agreement with my assessment of the year from last week’s column, it seems only fitting that we experienced our most major winter storm of the season in what was...

Speaking of Nature: Is this Grackle really common? Behold the bird’s colorful iridescence on a sunny day
03-26-2024 12:35 PM


After a while, one learns what to expect with each month and each season. July is going to be hot and humid, October will be colorful and somewhat melancholy, January will be cold and sleepy, and then there is March. March is the month for which the...

Speaking of Nature: One lucky duck: Stumbling upon an entire flotilla of Common Mergansers
03-19-2024 1:23 PM


It was a rainy Sunday morning at the beginning of March and I was suffering from cabin fever. It hasn’t been a particularly cold winter, but I had been cooped up nonetheless. Saturday had gone by without incident, like so many Saturday’s since the new...

Speaking of Nature: Bring the birds to you: A behind-the-scenes tip of nature photography
03-12-2024 10:23 AM


Every week, rain or shine, winter or summer, I try to find something fun, interesting and positive to talk about in my column. This is actually an easy thing to do, but what can be somewhat problematic is finding a photo that will pair nicely with the...

Speaking of Nature: The bird that surprised me: Brown Creeper uncommon for most of year, expertly camoflauges among dead trees
03-05-2024 1:20 PM


It was the end of a very long day, but, because of the increasing daylight that we have all been enjoying, it was still light out when I got home. I pulled up to the garage, but I had to get out to open the garage door because my door opener had died....

Speaking of Nature: From rare to regular: The Carolina Wren may soon become a regular backyard bird for all of us
02-27-2024 2:53 PM


According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2023 was the warmest year ever recorded. I remember it being hot in the summertime, but I think the effect of this heat was most noticed by me in the autumn. The Thinking Chair...

Speaking of Nature: A romantic evening for two birders — To hear the wonderful sounds of the Saw-whet Owl one must go outside at night
02-13-2024 11:06 AM


It was a cold winter’s night and my beautiful wife Susan and I were watching movies. There was a fire crackling in the wood stove, we were enjoying good food and drink and we were both all snoodled up and comfy. It was everything you could have wanted...

Speaking of Nature: Where have all the birds gone?: They’re there, and here’s a handy tool to keep track of their appearances
02-06-2024 1:46 PM


I receive emails from readers throughout the year and I do my best to respond to them in a timely manner. Sometimes messages pile up in my inbox and sometimes things get filed incorrectly, but I genuinely do try to respond to every one. This year (the...

Speaking of Nature: Who is that mysterious woodpecker?: Presence of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in winter has caused quite a stir with readers
01-30-2024 4:32 PM


My selection of a writing topic is not always an easy thing. Sometimes I sit down to the keyboard and find myself completely stuck. I haven’t had an idea all week and at the last minute I still find myself with nothing to focus on. These are the...

Speaking of Nature: Drama at the feeders: The arrival of winter means the arrival of some foul-weather friends
01-24-2024 10:30 AM


It appears as though winter has finally arrived. November and December (most of which is technically autumn) were very mild and all through the Christmas break the high temperatures were consistently above freezing. This resulted in little to no snow...

Speaking of Nature: It happens every year: Robins brave the snow in search of food
01-16-2024 11:45 AM


Every winter I get a few emails from readers who want to know if it is normal to see American Robins in winter and every winter I send out responses that indicate that the presence of these birds is quite normal. I then go on to discuss various...

Speaking of Nature: Downy woodpecker duo: Slight differences help in identifying adult, juvenile males
07-11-2023 2:54 PM


Although summer has only really just begun it feels like “deep summer” has already arrived. We already have the heat and the humidity and the almost daily threats of thunderstorms, but if you go out into nature and use your eyes and ears, then it...

Speaking of Nature: The green-tailed towhee: What are you doing here?
05-16-2023 2:46 PM


To celebrate our anniversary, my beautiful wife Susan and I decided to spend the first weekend of May in Newport, Rhode Island. This is where we were staying when I proposed to her and every now and then we like to head back to the scene of the crime...

Speaking of Nature: Man vs. squirrel, round 2
02-17-2023 8:29 PM


In last week’s column, I featured the American red squirrel and I shared a photo of one of these rascals solving the puzzle of one of my birdfeeders. “How, do I get those peanuts?” it must have wondered and in relatively short order it managed to get...

Speaking of Nature: Feeder raiders: How one particularly tenacious red squirrel cracked the code to my birdfeeder
02-07-2023 4:21 PM


Friends, Romans, birders, lend me your ears. I am delighted to say that I am back from a horrible experience with kidney stones. It started off, rather innocently, as a slight pain in my back that I couldn’t quite account for, but as time progressed I...

Speaking of Nature: The grand deception of the northern mockingbird
01-24-2023 4:03 PM


I have no idea how many photos exist in my personal collection, nor, I am afraid, will I ever know. I can say (definitively) that in the past 6 years I have taken exactly 104,308 photos, but that is where “exact” comes to a close. My records prior to...

Displaying articles 41 to 56 out of 56 total.

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